Check the originality between documents using Plagiarism Checker

Document Plagiarism Checker

Upload .txt files

Upload the file of the .txt format to be scanned here.The file should not be more than xMB

Upload JPG Images

Upload the images of the .jpg format to be scanned here.The images should not be more than xMB

Upload PDF's

Upload the PDF of the .pdf format to be scanned here.The PDF should not be more than xMB

How to perform a plagiarism check?

Upload Documents

The plagiarism checker works for files of the .txt,pdf and jpg formats only. Upload these files in their respective sections before performing a plagiarism check. There is no specific limit to the no of files that can be uploaded.However do note that more the number of files more will be the execution time. Incase a document of the respective format isnt available, the user can change the format of the document from the Change Document Format option from the Navbar

Check for Plagiarism

The plagiarism checkr checks for plagiarism between the uploaded files using the cosine similarity technique. It will check for plagiarism between all the documents uploaded respectively (checking for plagiarism between any 2 documents at a time, making nC2 comparisons where n is the no of documents uploaded)


Once the plagiarism check is over nC2 percentage values will be returned with their respective documents that were considered during the plagiarism check

Tap Here to change the format of the document/compress a document